Pharm-Rx Riboflavin 5' - Phosphate Sodium

Chemical Name: Riboflavin 5' - Phosphate Sodium

CAS Number: 130-40-5

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    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Chemical Name
    Molecular formula
    C₁₇H₂₀N₄NaO₉P, C₁₇H₂₀N₄NaO₉P . 2H₂O
    Product Families
    Chemical Structure

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    Riboflavin 5′-Phosphate Sodium contains NLT the equivalent of 73.0% and NMT the equivalent of 79.0% of riboflavin (C₁₇H₂₀N₄NaO₉), calculated on the dried basis.

    Applications & Uses


    Typical Properties
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Molecular Weight514.36--
    Molecular Weight (Anhydrous)478.33--

    Regulatory & Compliance

    FDA Disclaimer

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    Storage & Handling

    Storage Information

    Preserve in tight, light-resistant containers.