Pharm-Rx R-(+)-α-Lipoic Acid Sodium Salt

Pharm-Rx R-(+)-α-Lipoic Acid Sodium Salt is a supplement ingredient known for its dietary supplement properties. Pharm-Rx R-(+)-α-Lipoic Acid Sodium Salt is a pure powder form of R-Alpha Lipoic Acid Sodium Salt, suitable for various applications in the nutraceutical and supplement industry.

Ingredient Name: R-Alpha Lipoic Acid Sodium Salt

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    Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Applications & Uses


    Physical Form
    A pale yellowish powder
    Physico-Chemical Properties
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Free R-ALAmin. 85.0%Q/FJKH 010
    Total Assay (R-ALA)min. 87.0%Q/FJKH 010
    Total Assay (R-ALA Sodium salt)min. 99.0%Q/FJKH 010
    Bulk Densitymin. 0.2g/mlGB/T 20316.2-2006
    Tapped Densitymin. 0.3g/mlGB/T 21354-2008
    Particle Size (through 40 mesh)100%Q/FJKH 010
    Loss on Dryingmax. 3%Q/FJKH 010
    Optical Rotation (Specific)70 - 90DegreeQ/FJKH 010
    Heavy Metals (as lead)max. 5ppmQ/FJKH 010
    Lead Contentmax. 0.5ppmICP-MS
    Cadmium Contentmax. 1ppmICP-MS
    Mercury Contentmax. 0.1ppmICP-MS
    Arsenic Contentmax. 1ppmICP-MS
    Cyclohexanemax. 10ppmUSP (467)
    Ethyl Acetatemax. 500ppmUSP (467)
    Ethanolmax. 5000ppmUSP (467)
    Microbiological Values
    ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
    Total Aerobic Countmax. 1000CFU/gCurrent GB 4789.2
    Yeasts & Molds Countmax. 100CFU/gCurrent GB 4789.15
    Total Coliformmax. 100CFU/gCurrent GB 4789.3
    Escherichia coli ( Negative to test )min. 10CFU/gCurrent GB 4789.38
    Salmonella spp.Absent/25gCurrent GB 4789.4
    Staphylococcus aureusAbsent/25gGB 4789.10-2016

    Regulatory & Compliance

    FDA Disclaimer

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.